Boost Efficiency & Visibility in Biogas Operations

Monitor sensor data in real-time, account for various data collection processes, and access secure KPI visualizations tailored to your needs.

Centralized Data Room

Anessa AD•M enables you and your team to centralize your project data into a dynamic and easy-to-use hub.

Customizable Warnings

Keep a finger on the pulse. Set automated AD process alerts and mitigation options that can notify you when measurements fall outside of normal ranges.

Secure Data

All transmissions are secured with end-to-end encryption. With Anessa, you maintain ownership and control over all your data.

  • Boost Efficiency & Visibility in Biogas Operations

    Monitor sensor data in real-time, account for various data collection processes, and access secure KPI visualizations tailored to your needs.

  • An Easier Path to Data Digitalization

    AD•M can help you centralize your information across different collection processes while dynamically visualizing those actionable insights into customizable dashboards. AD•M enables you to unlock new fascinating insights while keeping your data in a secure source easily accessible for reporting.

  • Real-Time Reporting;

    Available When You Need

    It Anessa AD•M, streamlining data retrieval and analysis, enables operational efficiency, supports regulatory compliance, and fosters informed operational decision-making.

    With real-time monitoring systems, all data transmissions are secured with end-to-end encryption, securing a path for direct communication. This enables operators to access the information quickly and efficiently, facilitating timely reporting and decision-making processes.

  • Adaptable Process for Complex Operations

    AD•M centralizes information from sensors with a real-time internet connection, manual logs and even collected by remote staff through our field•app. Keep the process that works best for your team while expanding your horizons of what data can enable you to do.

How it Works

Anessa’s Products are based on Core Technologies developed in-house. Anessa AD•M is a powerful centralized hub that enables you to dynamically visualize and collect data through the following processes:

3 Data Input options:


Manual and bulk data entry to your centralized hub from the plant site or remotely.


Automatic data entry from your plant’s sensors direct to your centralized AD•M hub.


Streamline the collection of on-site plant information by field staff and update the centralized data and dashboards in realtime.

Remote Monitoring

System and Custom Alerts & Mitigation Instructions

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